Publications > The Tragara Press, 1954-1991

Lilian Bowes Lyon, Uncollected Poems (1981)

Title: Uncollected Poems

Lilian Bowes Lyon (Author)

(Book) Edition of 95 copies. 15 pages. ~20.5 cm (height).

Publication: 1981 [Edinburgh]. The Tragara Press

Typeface: Bembo Italic

Keywords: Poetry

Poems written between the time of publication of the author's Collected Poems (Jonathan Cape, 1948) and her death in the following year.

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95 numbered copies.

Printed on Barcham Green hand-made paper, and sewn in marbled wrappers with printed paper label.

£ 7.50 / Listed in Some current and forthcoming publications of the Tragara Press, Edinburgh - 1981.

Halliwell ref.: A76


The Tragara Press, 1954-1991


Henry James, Lake George to Burlington (1981) »

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