
Single sheets and broadsides


The single-sheets and broadsides presented here constitute a small part of the more that 50 poems and other pieces of text that Alan Anderson printed, primarily in the 1970s. Most of these items were commissioned by friends. The broasdide edition of Lawrence Durrell's poem A Persian Lady printed in 1963 in six copies is part of the Tragara Press catalogue and listed in the 1954-1991 section.

His heart was worn and sore
John Davidson, His heart was worn and sore (1958)

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From 'The Sceptic'
David Hume, From 'The Sceptic' (1973)

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Midnight Mass
Antonia Fraser, Midnight Mass [1974]

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Alexander Solzhenitzyn, Prayer [1974]

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The Palace at Spalato
Francis Meynell, The Palace at Spalato [1974]

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While Still I am Alive ...
Charles Graves, While Still I am Alive ... [1974]

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On visiting Westminster Abbey a 'reduced dignity' invited me to muse on its merits.
Amanda M. Ros, On visiting Westminster Abbey a 'reduced dignity' invited me to muse on its merits. [1974]

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The Fiddler of Dooney
William Butler Yeats, The Fiddler of Dooney [1974]

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[Bolt and bar the shutter]
William Butler Yeats, [Bolt and bar the shutter] [1974]

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Ulysses' Bow
Hugh MacDiarmid, Ulysses' Bow (1977)

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'To W.R.'
William Ernest Henley, 'To W.R.' [1992]

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In Time of Pestilence
Thomas Nashe, In Time of Pestilence (1997)

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GIN I SPEAK wi the tungs o men an angels
GIN I SPEAK wi the tungs o men an angels (2002)

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To my friend Ralph Strauss
Norman Douglas, To my friend Ralph Strauss (2004)

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